Neumarkt in der Steiermark is located 800 metres above sea level which means it can get quite chilly especially in the evening and at night but even in the day. Please make sure to bring suitable clothing.

Bring sturdy footwear, loose leisure wear and rain apparel (just in case) to wear during extracurricular activities.

Bedding is available but please be sure to bring your own towels.

Please notify us of any food intolerances or preferences (vegetarian/ vegan) in good time, so that the caterer can plan the menu accordingly or the appropriate dishes can be pre-ordered in the relevant restaurant.

There are parking spaces right in front of Europaburg Castle, and the address is Schloßleiten 6, 8820 Neumarkt in der Steiermark.

Please fill in the attached declaration of consent (for minors) or declaration of consent 18+ (for adults) and bring it with you on the day or send it via email to office@eyfon.at.
Download the UNDER-18s declaration of consent here
Download the OVER-18s declaration of consent here
Download the UNDER-18s declaration of consent here
Download the OVER-18s declaration of consent here

Please contact Mag. Kathrin Traumüller with any queries,
tel. +43 664 9123366, email. office@eyfon.at.
tel. +43 664 9123366, email. office@eyfon.at.
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